I have created a CKEditor widget and an associated dialog with a few fields.
I would like to directly place the values of these fields into the generated template of the widget. I cannot seem to figure out how this work though.
Dialog field:
id: 'message',
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Message',
'default': '',
setup: function( widget ) {
this.setValue( widget.data.message );
commit: function( widget ) {
widget.setData( 'message', this.getValue() );
plugin template:
init: function( editor ) {
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'note', this.path + 'dialogs/note.js' );
editor.widgets.add( 'note', {
button: 'Create a note',
dialog: 'note',
'<div class="admonition note">' +
'<p class="first admonition-title">Title</p>' +
'<p class="last">Message</p>' +
I was able to achieve what I wanted by directly manipulating the DOM due to the fact that widget templates are immutable.
The Widget API can help us here with the usage of parts
, init
, edit
, data
and the methods setData
and setHtml
requires: 'widget,dialog',
init: function(editor) {
const html =
'<div class="note">' +
'<p class="note-title">Note</p>' +
'<p class="note-message">Message</p>' +
const path = this.path;
CKEDITOR.dialog.add('note',path + 'dialogs/note.js' );
editor.widgets.add( 'note', {
template: html,
parts: {
note: 'div.note',
message: 'p.note-message'
upcast: function(element) {
return element.name === 'div' && element.hasClass( 'note' );
init: function () {
// called when loading the widget
this.setData('message', this.parts.message.getHtml());
edit: function() {
// called when opening the dialog
const message = this.parts.message.getHtml();
if (message !== this.data.message) {
this.setData('message', message);
data: function() {
// called when you save the dialog