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How to prevent ckeditor to not add   in blank html tag

I have Visual Studio 2012 Express installed in Windows 8.1 OS and using CKEditor in my project as per requirement.

I am new for CKEditor and using it in a proper way as well but the problem is by defining the html in source in CKEditor it replaces automatically

<div><i class="classname"></i></div>


<div>&nbsp;</div> or <div></div>

So How to prevent CKEditor not to replace it and save as it is? I have got some solution but still little bit error I am replacing

<i class="classname"></i>


<div class="classname"></div>

but in between the tag it automatically add &nbsp.

How to prevent it to not add &nbsp?

Here in below image is CKEditor is open and you can see in rounded area it automatically adds some space or tab in my code.

How to stop that?

enter image description here


  • Have a look at this Post: CKEditor unwanted &nbsp; characters

    After some research I might shed some light on this issue - unfortunately there is no out-of-the-box solution.

    In the CKEditor there are four ways a no-break space can occur (anybody knows more?):

    1. Automatic filling of empty blocks. This can be disabled in the config:

      config.fillEmptyBlocks = false;
    2. Automatic insertion when pressing TAB-key. This can be diabled in the config:

      config.tabSpaces = 0;
    3. Converting double spaces to SPACE+NBSP. This is a browser behavior and will thus not be fixed by the CKEditor team. It could be fixed serverside or by a clientside javascript onunload. Maybe this php is a start:

      preg_replace('/\s&nbsp;\s/i', ' ', $text);
    4. By copy&paste. If you paste a UTF-8 no-break space or double-spaces CKEditor will convert it automatically. The only solution I see here is doing a regex as above. config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true; doesn't help.

    Summary: To get rid of all no-break spaces you need to write an additional function that cleans user input.

    Comments and further suggestions are greatly appreciated! (I'm using ckeditor 3.6.4)

    EDIT #1

    Have a look at this.

    CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.i= 0;

    You can also can use this with span and other tags.

    The documentation to this.

    Stop Removing ANY Empty Tag in CKEditor

    There is a defined list of tags that is going to be removed if empty(see dtd.js and $removeEmpty or run CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty from console).

    • From HTmL

    To ensure the certain empty tag are not being removed, add attribute ‘data-cke-survive’:

    <span data-cke-survive="true" ></span>
    • From Configurations

    Or you can configure the particular tag from not be removed:

                CKEDITOR.on('instanceCreated', function (ev) {
                    CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['span'] = 0;
                    CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['TAG-NAME'] = 0;

    By setting an element to 0 in the CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty, it prevents the empty tags from being removed by CKEditor.