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how to add code snippets plugin in ckeditor

I have created an online build of CKEditor 4.20.1 with the plugin CodeSnippet. The editor is working fine. But if I set the toolbar on my PHP page, then the code Snippet button is not showing in the toolbar of CKeditor, while all other toolbar buttons are working fine with this. I have searched on google but did not find any answer.

<textarea name="text_editor" id="text_editor" ></textarea>
CKEDITOR.replace( 'text_editor', {                  

With the above code, the "source" and "Table" buttons (icons) are visible and working fine. But codesnippet button is not visible. But if I do not define toolbar on the page (code shown below), then the CodeSnippet button is visible and working fine. But I need only a few tools for a particular web page and some other tools for some other pages.

<textarea name="text_editor" id="text_editor" ></textarea>
CKEDITOR.replace( 'text_editor', {                  

Below I attached the build-config.js of CKeditor, where you can see the codesnippet plugin added automatically by CKEditor online builder.


* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2022, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see or


* This file was added automatically by CKEditor builder.
* You may re-use it at any time to build CKEditor again.
* If you would like to build CKEditor online again
* (for example, to upgrade), visit one of the following links:
* (1)
*     Visit online builder to build CKEditor from scratch.
* (2)
*     Visit online builder to build CKEditor, starting with the same setup as before.
* (3)
*     Straight download link to the latest version of CKEditor (Optimized) with the same setup as before.
* This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it.
* Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration.

skin: 'moono-dark',
preset: 'full',
ignore: \[
plugins : {
'basicstyles' : 1,
'bidi' : 1,
'blockquote' : 1,
'clipboard' : 1,
'codesnippet' : 1,
'colorbutton' : 1,
'colordialog' : 1,
'contextmenu' : 1,
'copyformatting' : 1,
'dialogadvtab' : 1,
'div' : 1,
'elementspath' : 1,
'enterkey' : 1,
'filebrowser' : 1,
'find' : 1,
'floatingspace' : 1,
'font' : 1,
'format' : 1,
'forms' : 1,
'horizontalrule' : 1,
'htmlwriter' : 1,
'iframe' : 1,
'image' : 1,
'indentblock' : 1,
'indentlist' : 1,
'justify' : 1,
'language' : 1,
'link' : 1,
'list' : 1,
'liststyle' : 1,
'magicline' : 1,
'maximize' : 1,
'pastefromgdocs' : 1,
'pastefromword' : 1,
'pastetext' : 1,
'pastetools' : 1,
'preview' : 1,
'quicktable' : 1,
'removeformat' : 1,
'resize' : 1,
'scayt' : 1,
'selectall' : 1,
'showblocks' : 1,
'showborders' : 1,
'smiley' : 1,
'sourcearea' : 1,
'specialchar' : 1,
'stylescombo' : 1,
'tab' : 1,
'table' : 1,
'tableresize' : 1,
'tableselection' : 1,
'tabletools' : 1,
'templates' : 1,
'toolbar' : 1,
'undo' : 1,
'wysiwygarea' : 1
languages : {
'bn' : 1,
'en' : 1,
'hi' : 1

Initially, I thought there was a problem with the online build, so I did it a second time (online build), but the problem remained the same.


  • Based on actually digging in the source of the plugin, the toolbar command is case sensitive and needs to be CodeSnippet.

    Based on init function in which defines

        init: function( editor ) {
            editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'CodeSnippet', {
                label: editor.lang.codesnippet.button,
                command: 'codeSnippet',
                toolbar: 'insert,10'
            } );

    The first argument to addButton defines what exactly is needed