I'm moving to Micronaut Data JDBC and Kotlin from Spring Data JDBC and Java, and have trouble with @Transient
on a Kotlin property which does not have a backing field.
Example code:
interface Foo {
// @JvmDefault here had no effect on my problem
// @Transient does not compile here
val doodah: Boolean
get() = /* some default implementation */
// Bar implements Foo for reasons unrelated to this question, part of an internal "microframework"
@Table(name = "bar")
data class Bar(@Id var id: Long /* , more properties */) : Foo {
@JdbcRepository(dialect = POSTGRES)
interface BarRepository : CrudRepository<Bar, Long> {
At runtime I get a complaint from Postgres:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column child_record_.doodah does not exist
Hmmm, looks like Micronaut Data wants to serialize/deserialize the inherited property. So I tried @Transient
on the property, and compilation fails with:
This annotation is not applicable to target 'member property without backing field or delegate'
Suggestions on how to solve this?
interface Foo {
val doodah: Boolean
get() = /* some default implementation */