I would like to read strings in while loop, until end of input, but I dont know how. For example, input is:
Black car
White car
First, I want to scanf 'car' and save it in array. Then, I want to scanf 'Black car' and put it into aray, and so on.
while (scanf("%[^\n]", s)>0)
This reads only one line, but when I use this code:
while(scanf("%s", s) > 0)
It reads one word after another, so there will be no 'Black car', but 'black' and 'car'.
Do you have any idea to make this two conditions together?
And, I have got two nodes in linked list: first is 'White car' and second is 'Car black'. I want to sort it in alphabetical order. I want to get into array1 the first letter of 'White car', which is 'W' and into array 2 the first letter of 'Car black', which is 'C'. But when I printf array1, it print'W', but when I want to print array2, it writes 'CW'? When I printf one->name, it print 'White Car' and when I printf two->name, it print 'Car black'.
void sort(Car**head){
one= *head;
two= one->next;
int compare;
char array1[1]={0};
char array2[1]={0};
compare= 0;
strncpy(array1, one->name, 1);
strncpy(array2, two->name, 1);
printf("Array1: %s\n", array1);
printf("Array2: %s\n", array2);
printf("One name: %s\n", one->name);
printf("Two name: %s\n", two->name);
compare= strcmp(one->name, two->name);
temp = one;
one = two;
two= temp;
one = one->next;
two = two->next;
Use the standard C function fgets. For example
char s[N];
while ( fgets( s, sizeof( s ), stdin ) != NULL && s[0] != '\n' )
Where N
is some integral value.
Here is a demonstrative program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
enum { N = 100 };
char s[N];
while ( fgets( s, sizeof( s ), stdin ) != NULL && s[0] != '\n' )
s[ strcspn( s, "\n" ) ] = '\0';
puts( s );
return 0;
if to enter
Black car
White car
and after the last input press one more Enter then the output will be
Black car
White car
This statement
s[ strcspn( s, "\n" ) ] = '\0';
is used to exclude the new line character '\n'
from the entered string. This character can be appended to the entered string by the function fgets