I'm looking to use the Octopus REST API and I wanted to take full advantage of the HATEOAS links that are provided in Octopus REST API and some of them use URI Templates.
I found a fairly old post on the Octopus forums here but I was wondering with over 4 years passing, if there's a better solution for Uri Template parsing in PowerShell.
If not, I can use a .NET Uri Templating parsing package listed in the forum post.
So I was unable to find any native solutions, but I will share an example that implements Resta.UriTemplates.
# Example adapted from: https://github.com/a7b0/uri-templates#examples
Install-Package Resta.UriTemplates -Version 1.3.0
# Import the Resta.UriTemplates assembly
$Path = '.\Resta.UriTemplates.1.3.0\lib\netstandard2.0\Resta.UriTemplates.dll'
Add-Type -Path $Path -PassThru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Assembly | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -Unique
# Returns:
# Resta.UriTemplates, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
$template = [Resta.UriTemplates.UriTemplate]'http://example.org/{area}/news{?type,count}'
Write-Output $template
# Returns:
# Template Variables
# -------- ---------
# http://example.org/{area}/news{?type,count} {area, type, count}
$dict = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,object]'
$dict["area"] = "world"
$dict["type"] = "actual"
$dict["count"] = "10"
# Returns:
# http://example.org/world/news?type=actual&count=10