how can i replace the numeric genotype code with a DNA letter? i have a modified vcf file that looks like that:
POS REF ALT A2.bam C10.bam
448 T C 0/0:0,255,255 0/0:0,255,255
2402 C T 1/1:209,23,0 xxx:255,0,255
i want to replace the 0/0 with the ref letter, 1/1 with the alt letter and delete all the string after it. it should look like this:
POS REF ALT A2.bam C10.bam
448 T C T T
2402 C G G xxx
been trying to do it with sed but it didn't work don't know how to approach it
Would you please try:
awk '{
if (NR > 1) {
for (i=4; i<=5; i++) {
split($i, a, ":")
$i = a[1]
if ($i == "0/0") $i = $2
if ($i == "1/1") $i = $3
}' file.txt
POS REF ALT A2.bam C10.bam
448 T C T T
2402 C T T xxx
loop processes the 4th and 5th columns (A2.bam
and C10.bam
).Hope this helps.