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ReactiveMongo failed to connect to ReplicaSet with error `Invalid node status Primary (expected: Unknown)`

We have a MongoDB Replica set from Ali Cloud. We set up the MongoDB URL as

mongodb://username:[email protected]:3717,

When the server starts, ReactiveMongo threw an error:

Invalid node status Primary for (expected: Unknown); Fallback to Unknown status

I looked through ReactiveMongo's source code but couldn't understand why it is expecting unknown status?

upSet.updateAll { n =>
          if (node.names.contains( && // the node itself
            n.status != node.status) {
            // invalidate node status on status conflict
            warn(s"Invalid node status ${node.status} for ${} (expected: ${n.status}); Fallback to Unknown status")

            n._copy(status = NodeStatus.Unknown)
          } else n


  • It works for us after ignoring the replicaSet option.

    Finally for ReactiveMongo connection, the replicaSet option can be removed from the URI, and the password placeholder must be replaced with the actual value.

    mongodb.uri = "mongodb://root:${APSARADB_PASSWORD}${APSARADB_DBNAME}"