Type is created but i wanna the warning is about. If you can help 🙃
SQL> create type missions_type under mission_type;
2 /
Warning: Type created with compilation errors.
SQL> Warning: Type created with compilation errors.
The last statement seems to be incomplete. Here's an example which compiles; see if it helps (you'll certainly have to modify it).
SQL> create or replace type intervenant_type as object (id number);
2 /
Type created.
SQL> create or replace type mission_type as object
2 ( code varchar(30),
3 intitule varchar(50),
4 nbJours number,
5 Ref_intervenant ref intervenant_type )
6 not final;
7 /
Type created.
SQL> create or replace type missions_type under mission_type (id number);
2 / -----------
This is what you are missing
Type created.