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How to check if a user passed date is Wednesday using PowerShell?

I have an use case where user passes a date from the past. But I need to check if it's a Wednesday. If not, I want to be able to set it to next Wednesday 5 AM. Can somebody please tell me what would be best approach to go about this using PS?



  • Fortunately [datetime] structs have a DayOfWeek property we can use to check that!

    Simply advance the date by 1 day at a time until you reach Wednesday:

    function Get-UpcomingWednesdayAt5
      while($Date.DayOfWeek -ne [System.DayOfWeek]::Wednesday){
        # advance 1 day at a time until its wednesday
        $Date = $Date.AddDays(1)
      # Create new [datetime] object with same Date but Time set to 5AM
      return Get-Date -Date $Date -Hour 5 