Life of the Init script from DBFS has come to an end. I used to deploy the databricks cluster using this powershell script with InitScript
New-DatabricksCluster -BearerToken $ADB_Token -Region $region -ClusterName $cname -SparkVersion $csparkV `
-NodeType $cnodeT -MinNumberOfWorkers $cminWorker -MaxNumberOfWorkers $cmaxWorker -AutoTerminationMinutes $cterm `
-InitScripts "/Init/" -UniqueNames -Update
But oficial documentation of this powershell function states that it must but DBFS path.
.PARAMETER InitScripts Init scripts to run post creation. As array of strings - paths must be full dbfs paths. Example: "dbfs:/script/script1", "dbfs:/script/script2"
Now I want to migrate from DBFS to Workspace file location, while I can achieve this via databricks UI, i was wondering how can I do the same thing with the powershell code or even databricks API.
Unfortunately the module you are using doesn't give the option to set workspace type init script.
So, try below module.
Install-Module -Name DatabricksPS
$accessToken = "dapi12345sxsdksancldkcna7c51"
$apiUrl = ""
Set-DatabricksEnvironment -AccessToken $accessToken -ApiRootUrl $apiUrl
$init_scripts = @( @{ "workspace" = @{ "destination" = "/Users/<user_id>/"; }; } )
Add-DatabricksCluster -NumWorkers 2 -ClusterName "MyCluster" -SparkVersion "4.0.x-scala2.11" -NodeTypeId 'Standard_DS3_v2' -InitScripts $init_scripts
and in portal
refer more about this module here.