When I Run az.cmd on my windows 10 screen some information flashes by and the screen closes. When I right click the shortcut and choose Edit I see
:: :: Microsoft Azure CLI - Windows Installer - Author file components script :: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ::
@IF EXIST "%~dp0..\python.exe" ( SET AZ_INSTALLER=MSI
"%~dp0..\python.exe" -IBm azure.cli %* ) ELSE ( echo Failed to load python executable. exit /b 1 )
I reinstalled python and rebooted but this did not help.
Executing az.cmd
is a direct way of running the Azure CLI tool, which you can see if you run:
PS C:\Users\joe.bloggs> get-command az
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Application az.cmd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\wbin\az.cmd
Since the screenshot you grabbed is the help text for the az CLI tool, it's doing exactly what it should: it checks for the presence of a Python executable where it expects it, and if it can find it, it executes Python with the azure.cli module.
That's what this line does:
"%~dp0..\python.exe" -IBm azure.cli %*
It starts python.exe
from the parent folder of the script, running it in isolated mode (-I
), not writing any bytecode like .pyo
or .pyc
files (-B
), and running a module as a script (-m
) with azure.cli
being the module to run.
The %*
ensures that any arguments passed to az
on the command line are passed to the script / module.
Since you're not giving it any arguments when you just double-click it, it just prints the help text and then terminates. If you open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window, and run az
, you'll see the same text.
If you pass it some useful arguments, it can do pretty much anything on Azure from the CLI. You could create a shortcut that runs az.cmd
with some useful arguments, if you need a shortcut that runs a specific command on Azure. If you just want to interact with Azure from the CLI, you can just start a Command Prompt or PowerShell and run az
commands from there.