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Laradock - Running Redis queues with Supervisor throwing the error - Call to undefined function Moontoast\Math\bcadd()

I'm running a Laravel project on Laradock. I have a Job class that handles a Notification class that sends mail. The Job uses Redis for the queue driver and everything is well set up

I have Supervisor all set up and working. Below is my .conf file that is executed by Supervisor when the Job runs:

command=php /var/www/artisan queue:work redis --sleep=3 --tries=5 --daemon

This is set up in Laradock's php-worker>supervisord.d directory. I also have Laravel Horizon set up to monitor my Redis queues. When the Job is executed, Supervisor runs the Job and this is confirmed in my worker.log file that logs the processing of the Job, as defined in the above .conf file, as shown below:

[2019-10-14 12:18:27][21] Processing: App\Jobs\NewStaffAdded
[2019-10-14 12:18:30][21] Processing: App\Jobs\NewStaffAdded
[2019-10-14 12:18:31][21] Processing: App\Jobs\NewStaffAdded
[2019-10-14 12:18:33][21] Processing: App\Jobs\NewStaffAdded
[2019-10-14 12:18:35][21] Processing: App\Jobs\NewStaffAdded

When i visit my Horizon dashboard, i find that the Job failed. Clicking on the failed Job to learn more details, i get this exception:

Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to undefined function Moontoast\Math\bcadd() in /var/www/vendor/moontoast/math/src/Moontoast/Math/BigNumber.php:506

Looking aroud for possible solutions for the above exception, i see suggestions that the cause is absence of the Bcmath module for PHP but I've run the following command and confirmed I have this module:

dpkg --list | grep -i bcmath

Shows I have the Bcmath module for my PHP version(7.3). So don't know why I'm getting the mentioned exception, which is preventing my queue from being executed.


  • The issue was down to not having the Bcmath module in Laradock's .env file under the PHP_WORKER section set to true. Firstly the module has to be installed in your workspace, then turn it on under BOTH the PHP_FPM AND PHP_WORKER sections. My mistake was that i had only set true under PHP_FPM section so had to do the same under PHP_WORKER section