I'm writing a Wishbone Intercon module to make the address decoding automatically. I have two Bundle classes that describe Wishbone master and Wishbone slave interface.
class WbMaster (val dwidth: Int,
val awidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val adr_o = Output(UInt(awidth.W))
val cyc_o = Output(Bool())
// Wishbone slave interface
class WbSlave (val dwidth: Int,
val awidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val adr_i = Input(UInt(awidth.W))
val cyc_i = Input(Bool())
I want to pass these Bundle as parameter to my module Wishbone like following:
class WbInterconOneMaster(val awbm: WbMaster,
val awbs: Vec(WbSlave)) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{
val wbm = Flipped(new WbMaster(awbm.dwidth, awbm.awidth))
val wbs = Vec(?)
The objective is to permit a variable number of wishbone slaves and let the module doing the plumbing. Like following:
val spi2Wb = Module(new Spi2Wb(dwidth, awidth))
val wbMdio1 = Module(new MdioWb(mainFreq, targetFreq))
val wbMdio2 = Module(new MdioWb(mainFreq, targetFreq))
val slavesVec = Vec(Seq(wbMdio1, wbMdio2))
val wbIntercon = Module(new WbIntercon(spi2Wb.io.wbm, slavesVec))
The question is multiple:
I tryied this but does not work:
// Wishbone Intercone with one master and several slaves
// data bus is same size as master
class WbInterconOneMaster(val awbm: WbMaster,
val awbs: Vec[Seq[WbSlave]]) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{
val wbm = Flipped(new WbMaster(awbm.dwidth, awbm.awidth))
val wbs = Vec.fill(awbs.size){awbs.map(_.cloneType())}
I found a solution with MixedVec (experimental) module. I simply pass a Seq of WbSlave Bundle as a module parameter and I made a MixedVec (WbSlave can have different parameters in fact):
class WbInterconOneMaster(val awbm: WbMaster,
val awbs: Seq[WbSlave]) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle{
val wbm = Flipped(new WbMaster(awbm.dwidth, awbm.awidth))
val wbs = MixedVec(awbs.map{i => new WbSlave(i.dwidth, i.awidth)})
io.wbm.dat_i := 0.U
io.wbm.ack_i := 0.U
for(i <- 0 until io.wbs.size){
io.wbs(i).dat_o := 0.U
io.wbs(i).ack_o := 0.U
That compile in the testbench.