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Automating cf login refresh

Does the CloudFoundry UAA support token refresh for logged in user. I'm currently logged in using the "cf-cli" via the SSO passcode. After a week or so the session expires and I have to log in again. Is it possible to refresh the token in the $HOME/.cf/config.json upon expiry ? As per this , we should be able to refresh the token by passing grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA options. However, it expects the client_id or client_secret to be present i.e use BASIC Auth. Can we do with a currently logged in user ?


  • You can refresh an access token, but you cannot refresh a refresh token. When your refresh token expires, you must login again.

    The refresh_token from config.json is a JWT token, so you can use a tool like to view the token and see when it expires. Your refresh token will expire at some point, it just depends on how long your administrator allows it to last. A week sounds pretty standard.