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How can i set msg.sender inside foundry script to account from encrypted keystore?

i am new in foundry (just moving from brownie) so face the problem of change deployer account in deploy script. Of course i have read the docs but maybe something passed me by.

Foundry script cli has option:

forge script script/CheckKey.s.sol:CheckKey  --account myDeployer --broadcast

where myDeployer is file name standard keystore file from ~/.foundry/keystores/.

And here is script example:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;

import {Script, console2} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import "../lib/forge-std/src/StdJson.sol";

contract CheckKeyExample is Script {
    using stdJson for string;

    function run() public {
        address payable geteth = payable(address(this));

what i need to write in my deploy script for change msg.sender (hence account for vm.startBroadcast) to myDeployer address?


  • In the terminal, try using below code:

    forge script script/CheckKey.s.sol:CheckKey  --account myDeployer --sender myDeployerPublicAddress --broadcast

    Also try including RPC URL if you are using any live testnet or mainnet.