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Collect results of a map operation in a Map using Collectors.toMap or groupingBy

I've got a list of type List<A> and with map operation getting a collective list of type List<B> for all A elements merged in one list.

List<A> listofA = [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, ...]

List<B> listofB =
  .map(a -> repo.getListofB(a))

without flatmap

List<List<B>> listOflistofB =
  .map(a -> repo.getListofB(a))

I want to collect the results as a map of type Map<A, List<B>> and so far trying with various Collectors.toMap or Collectors.groupingBy options but not able to get the desired result.


  • You can use the toMap collector with a bounded method reference to get what you need. Also notice that this solution assumes you don't have repeated A instances in your source container. If that precondition holds this solution would give you the desired result. Here's how it looks.

    Map<A, Collection<B>> resultMap =
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), repo::getListofB);

    If you have duplicate A elements, then you have to use this merge function in addition to what is given above. The merge function deals with key conflicts if any.

    Map<A, Collection<B>> resultMap =
           .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), repo::getListofB, 
                (a, b) -> {
                    return a;

    And here's a much more succinct Java9 approach which uses the flatMapping collector to handle repeated A elements.

    Map<A, List<B>> aToBmap =
                    Collectors.flatMapping(a -> getListofB(a).stream(), 