I want to write a bus monitor for my design in chisel3 (actually a mdio bus) and I wonder if it's possible to execute this monitor function in parallel to the "main" testbench. Like we do it in cocotb with cocotb.fork() coroutine ?
There is no support for parallel testing with chisel3.iotesters
("Chisel Testers"). However, there is support for parallel testing with the new testing framework: chisel3.testers
("Chisel Testers2").
This adds support for fork
, join
, and parallel
constructs. A concise example is testing a queue by forking both the enqueueing and dequeueing:
it should "work with a combinational queue" in {
test(new PassthroughQueue(UInt(8.W))) { c =>
fork {
c.in.enqueueSeq(Seq(42.U, 43.U, 44.U))
}.fork {
c.out.expectDequeueSeq(Seq(42.U, 43.U, 44.U))
For an additional example, see the chisel-template
file GcdTesters2.scala