I have a qt desktop application and i am required to use selenium for developing automated tests on it.
I found this web driver option: https://github.com/cisco-open-source/qtwebdriver
I cloned, build and installed the driver according to this wiki:
and also checked the web driver running on port 9517 according to this wiki.
Now i want to bind the web driver to my project.
I followed this wiki:
in the second section, Option 1: WebDriver attaches to the running application.
when i am adding the "Headers.h" file, i get the error:
"base/at_exit.h": No such file or directory
i guess its because i didnt do the parent step as needed ("Add the QtWebDriver headers and libraries in the application build environment")
im not sure i added the webdriver project as needed.
to add the librarys i choosed "Add Library" -> "External Library" in the wizard, and choosed all the so files from the webdriver project.
then i also added all the existing h files by choosing "add existing files" in the Headers folder of my project.
is it the right way to add the library to my project?
what am i missing?
I added include_directories
of the folder contains "base" folder to the cmakelists file.