I ran a following test.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define CHAR_COUNT 26
#define RUN_COUNT 1000000000
#define GET_CLOCK (float)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
int main()
long long int sum = 0;
float start, end;
start = GET_CLOCK;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RUN_COUNT; i++)
char test = CHAR_LIST[i % CHAR_COUNT];
sum += test; // Force the loop to run!
end = GET_CLOCK;
printf("#define Time: %f\n", end - start);
start = GET_CLOCK;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RUN_COUNT; i++)
char test = CHAR_ARRAY[i % CHAR_COUNT];
sum += test; // Must be the same as fist loop!
end = GET_CLOCK;
printf("static const *CHAR_ARRAY Time: %f\n", end - start);
printf("sum = %lld\n", sum); // Must access "sum" after loops!
return 0;
Its outputs
#define Time: 1.741000
static const *CHAR_ARRAY Time: 1.868000
Why the string literal using #define directive faster than a pre-initialised static char array? Where exactly the string literal is stored and why it is faster to access them within a block scop?
The compiler option used is gcc -o charspeed charspeed.c
Note: Edited to 'synchronize' with OP's changes:
Maybe the problem is that you aren't giving a good enough test. A decent compiler will run both loops in zero time, because nothing of consequence happens inside them. I tried on MSVC, and your code gave 0
for both times.
However, increasing the loop counts ten-fold and putting in something that can't be optimized away, I get pretty much equal times for both:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define CHAR_COUNT 26
#define RUN_COUNT 1000000000 // Increased by factor of 10!
#define GET_CLOCK (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC
int main()
long long int sum = 0;
double start, end;
start = GET_CLOCK;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RUN_COUNT; i++) {
char test = CHAR_LIST[i % CHAR_COUNT];
sum += test; // Force the loop to run!
end = GET_CLOCK;
printf("#define Time: %lf\n", end - start);
start = GET_CLOCK;
for (size_t i = 0; i < RUN_COUNT; i++) {
char test = CHAR_ARRAY[i % CHAR_COUNT];
sum += test; // Must be the same as fist loop!
end = GET_CLOCK;
printf("static const *CHAR_ARRAY Time: %lf\n", end - start);
printf("sum = %lld\n", sum); // Must access "sum" after loops!
return 0;
Try doing something like this on your compiler/machine, to see if it makes a difference.