I've been trying to make a project that creates Flash Cards , and i wanted to make the user be able to input any text on either sides of the card , the problem I'm facing now is that since the textbox(from TextMeshPro or regular one) has certain font whenever I try to input another languages like Japanese or Arabic it simply shows as squares, I tried the suggestion to use the textmesh pro dynamic font feature but still with no luck.
my question is , is there any way to do what I'm asking for without using fallback assets for every single language? are there any unity plugins that do the job? Like I said the aim is to make a textbox that displays whatever language is put in it. any tips would be appreciated
NOTE: the solution doesn't need to use textmeshpro , it can use standard text component or any other custom ones.
So Since this is the first time I've worked with Fonts it appears that I didn't quite understand how fonts work and now I found the right way to approach the problem so I will give here the steps that I used to solve the multi-language issue:
1)you need a Font that supports as many languages as possible i found out that "Ariel Unicode" fits this need quite well with support to most common used languages support
2)you need to create a TextMeshPro Dynamic font asset that uses the font chosen in step one. (I tried using TextMeshPro Dynamic font before but i was mistakenly under the impression that the dynamic feature "search" for a font that has a certain character rather than we need to supply the font and it searches within the font for a character, that was a bit of a stupid assumption at my part created from the fact that I didn't understand how fonts work) .Here is a link how to use Dynamic SDF textmeshPro
I hope this helps someone with this process.