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Standalone spark cluster Authorization with Ranger

I'm working on a setup of EC2 machines that has standalone Spark cluster, Hive, Apache Ranger. Hive is integrated to Ranger.

As Ranger doesn't have support for Spark-SQL JDBC (port 10015), i tried this open source project for Spark Authorization. But didn't work as it seems to rely on yarn resource manager.

I wanted to know any possible ways to acheive authorization on Spark-sql with Apache Ranger.

We are not using any distributions implemented, so features like SPARK-LLAP in hortonworks is not an option.

I have already tried what is explained in , but that didn't work either.

Have raised a spark jira last year for this but doesnt seem to have picked up yet.

We are using Spark 2.3, Hive 2.3, Ranger 1.0.


  • Build a simple authentication java application to spark-sql port 10015.

    package hive.test;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import org.apache.hive.service.auth.PasswdAuthenticationProvider;
     javac -cp $HIVE_HOME/lib/hive-service-0.11-mapr.jar -d .
     jar cf sampleauth.jar hive
     cp sampleauth.jar $HIVE_HOME/lib/.
    public class SampleAuthenticator implements PasswdAuthenticationProvider {
      Hashtable<String, String> store = null;
      public SampleAuthenticator () {
        store = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        store.put("user1", "passwd1");
        store.put("user2", "passwd2");
      public void Authenticate(String user, String  password)
          throws AuthenticationException {
        String storedPasswd = store.get(user);
        if (storedPasswd != null && storedPasswd.equals(password))
        throw new AuthenticationException("SampleAuthenticator: Error validating user");

    Configure the following properties in the hive-site.xml file on each node where HiveServer2 is installed:

    hive.server2.authentication CUSTOM hive.server2.custom.authentication.class The authentication class name.


    Then restart Hiveserver2 to apply the changes:
