I am working in Databricks and fairly new to PySpark. I have a table we pulled in from SQL with several columns whose values we've concatenated into a single column called edu_hist
which we then want to take and in a new column called edu_level
label it with the corresponding education level.
I am attempting to use .isin
to achieve this, but my code is just labeling everything UNKNOWN
. Where am I making a misstep?
original table (df
| id | edu_hist |
| 123 | , , T, 3, 6 |
| 456 | , 7, X, 4, , |
| 789 | , 3, S, 2, , |
code to label
df = df.withColumn('edu_level',
F.when((F.col('edu_hist').isin('7', '8', '9', 'Z')), 'GRADUATE DEGREE')
.when((F.col('edu_hist').isin('5', '6', 'W', 'X', 'Y')), 'COLLEGE DEGREE')
.when((F.col('edu_hist').isin('3', '4', 'V')), 'SOME COLLEGE')
.when((F.col('edu_hist').isin('S', 'T', 'U')), 'HIGH SCHOOL OR EQUIVALENT')
.when((F.col('edu_hist').isin('0', '1', '2', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R')), 'OTHER').otherwise('UNKNOWN')
expected output
| id | edu_hist | edu_level |
| 123 | , , T, 3, 6 | COLLEGE DEGREE |
| 456 | , 7, X, 4, , | GRADUATE DEGREE |
| 789 | , 3, S, 2, , | SOME COLLEGE |
actual output
| id | edu_hist | edu_level |
| 123 | , , T, 3, 6 | UNKNOWN |
| 456 | , 7, X, 4, , | UNKNOWN |
| 789 | , 3, S, 2, , | UNKNOWN |
It can be several factors, but the mains are:
1 - You're trying to check if a string is in a list o chars, Spark will check if the entire string is in the list, if only part of the string is on the list, will result in the otherwise().
Imagine you have this string my_str = "A B C D"
and you do something like that .when(F.col("my_str").isin("A", "B", "C", "D"), "True").otherwise("False")
. It is gonna result in "False", because the entire string is not contained on the list inside "isin", just parts. But if it was: .when(F.col("my_str").isin("A B C D"), "True").otherwise("False")
the result would be "True" because the entire string is in the list inside "isin".
Solution: You could regular expression to extract and check your data, code:
df = df_string.withColumn('edu_level',
F.when(F.col('edu_hist').rlike('(?i).*\\b(7|8|9|Z)\\b.*'), 'GRADUATE DEGREE')
.when(F.col('edu_hist').rlike('(?i).*\\b(5|6|W|X|Y)\\b.*'), 'COLLEGE DEGREE')
.when(F.col('edu_hist').rlike('(?i).*\\b(3|4|V)\\b.*'), 'SOME COLLEGE')
.when(F.col('edu_hist').rlike('(?i).*\\b(S|T|U)\\b.*'), 'HIGH SCHOOL OR EQUIVALENT')
.when(F.col('edu_hist').rlike('(?i).*\\b(0|1|2|N|O|P|Q|R)\\b.*'), 'OTHER')
2 - Maybe your column is not StringType, maybe it is a struct or array of strings, you need to do something different.
Solution: 2.1 - If it is an array of strings, just use array_contains function, code:
map_results: dict = {
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '7') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '8') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '9') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'Z')
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '5') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '6') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'W') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'X') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'Y')
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '3') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '4') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'V')
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'S') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'T') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'U')
"OTHER": (
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '0') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '1') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), '2') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'N') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'O') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'P') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'Q') |
F.array_contains(F.col('edu_hist'), 'R')
df = df_array \
F.when(map_results.get("GRADUATE DEGREE"), "GRADUATE DEGREE")
.when(map_results.get("COLLEGE DEGREE"), "COLLEGE DEGREE")
.when(map_results.get("SOME COLLEGE"), "SOME COLLEGE")
.when(map_results.get("OTHER"), "OTHER")
2.2 - If it is a struct, you just need to concatenate the struct field into one string and do the same thing as in the first solution, code:
df = df_struct.withColumn('edu_hist_concat',
F.concat_ws(',', F.col('edu_hist.part1'), F.col('edu_hist.part2'),
F.col('edu_hist.part3'), F.col('edu_hist.part4'), F.col('edu_hist.part5')))
df = df.withColumn('edu_level',
F.when(F.col('edu_hist_concat').rlike('(?i).*\\b(7|8|9|Z)\\b.*'), 'GRADUATE DEGREE')
.when(F.col('edu_hist_concat').rlike('(?i).*\\b(5|6|W|X|Y)\\b.*'), 'COLLEGE DEGREE')
.when(F.col('edu_hist_concat').rlike('(?i).*\\b(3|4|V)\\b.*'), 'SOME COLLEGE')
.when(F.col('edu_hist_concat').rlike('(?i).*\\b(S|T|U)\\b.*'), 'HIGH SCHOOL OR EQUIVALENT')
.when(F.col('edu_hist_concat').rlike('(?i).*\\b(0|1|2|N|O|P|Q|R)\\b.*'), 'OTHER')
I checked all the code and it's working fine, try and tell me if it's running or not. If you like this answer, let me know too!
I used resources mainly: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-getting-started.html and https://regex101.com/