I want to be able to easily change the floatfield from scientific to fixed dependent on a condition, so my result would change from something like 3.000000e+00 to 3.0, using code that might look something like this:
some_datatype floatfield;
float number = 5.894
if (condition) {
floatfield = 'scientific';
} else floatfield = 'fixed';
cout << "hello" << floatfield << number << endl;
I'm aware I can achieve the same effect using
float number = 5.894
if (condition) {
cout << "hello" << scientific << number << endl;
} else cout << "hello" << fixed << number << endl;
But this does not generalise well if I start using more stream format flags.
If some_datatype
exists, what is it? If not, is there any other way of changing the stream format flags using a condition?
I/O manipulators are actually functions (!), and the ones you want to switch between happen to have the same signature.
So, you can use a function pointer to achieve your goal:
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using ManipFuncType = std::ios_base&(std::ios_base&);
const bool condition = true; // or false!
ManipFuncType* floatfield;
float number = 5.894;
if (condition)
floatfield = std::scientific;
floatfield = std::fixed;
std::cout << "hello" << floatfield << number << std::endl;