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Why SoftwarePackage don't have version?

In the [SWS_UCM_00039]SwPackageInfoType having property Version in the SWS_UpdateAndConfigManagement. But there is no such property defined in the Manifest TPS.

BTW. For my understanding, the struct in SWS basically match the ARXML Manifest. Because the data is read from it. So as Manifest doesn't contains the SoftwarePakcage's version, where shall I get it?

And the most weird is SwPackageInfoType having Name SwInfoName, but the Description of SwInfoName is SoftwareCluster name...


  • There only one SWCL in the software package. So the version of SwPackageInfoType means the SWCL's version. SoftwarePackage describes how SWCL shall be installed, and SWCL is part of it.

    BTW In the comment of the question:

    There are many SoftwareCluster under SoftwarePackage

    that is wrong. SoftwareCluster have ROOT and SUB hierarchy, one SWCL may have many children. But for software package will not have the relationship.