I have a problem with the protobuf-net and Android app built with IL2CPP.
Everything worked fine when I used MONO instead of IL2CPP for development. Now I need to use IL2CPP for x64 support. I didn't know System.Reflection.Emit
is not supported with IL2CPP and protobuf-net is using it.
Is there a way to make the protobuf-net work with IL2CPP?
I got same problem on iOS. You have to compile ProtoModel before.
using Assembly = UnityEditor.Compilation.Assembly;
private static void BuildMyProtoModel()
RuntimeTypeModel typeModel = TypeModel.Create();
foreach (var t in GetTypes(CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies(AssembliesType.Player)))
var contract = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ProtoContractAttribute), false);
if (contract.Length > 0)
MetaType metaType = typeModel.Add(t, true);
// support ISerializationCallbackReceiver
if (typeof(ISerializationCallbackReceiver).IsAssignableFrom(t))
MethodInfo beforeSerializeMethod = t.GetMethod("OnBeforeSerialize");
MethodInfo afterDeserializeMethod = t.GetMethod("OnAfterDeserialize");
metaType.SetCallbacks(beforeSerializeMethod, null, null, afterDeserializeMethod);
//add unity types
typeModel.Add(typeof(Vector2), false).Add("x", "y");
typeModel.Add(typeof(Vector3), false).Add("x", "y", "z");
typeModel.Compile("MyProtoModel", "MyProtoModel.dll"); //build model
string protoSchema = typeModel.GetSchema(null);//content for .proto file, you can generate a proto file for a specific type by passing it instead of null
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetTypes(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)
foreach (Type type in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(assembly.name).GetTypes())
yield return type;
Copy MyProtoModel.dll from root to Plugin folder. And use like this:
TypeModel typeModel = new MyProtoModel();
I create small project Protobuf-net & Unity:
But it just experimental and it don't have any documents.
Small example MonoBehaviour: