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Visual Studio Code waiting for second key of chord. (Ctrl + A)

When I try to select all of the text in a file, I receive a notification that says:

(Ctrl + A) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord...

Here is a screenshot of my "select all" keyboard shortcuts. How can I use Ctrl + A to select all text instead of getting a chord notification?

enter image description here


  • You have another key binding that begins with Ctrl+A, something like this:

    Screenshot of key bindings with Ctrl+A prefix

    A sequence of multiple keystrokes pressed one after another (rather than simultaneously) is called a "chord".

    You might have accidentally created it, or might have recently installed an extension that adds the problematic binding. To find it, do like I have done in the screenshot and type "ctrl a" into the Keyboard Shortcuts search box (that tab can be opened by typing Ctrl+K then Ctrl+S). Then look for a binding that begins with Ctrl+A but has something else after it (in my case, another Ctrl+A, but it could be almost anything).

    When you find the offending binding, right-click on it, and either remove or change it. Then Ctrl+A alone will resume working.

    Note: This question and its answer pertain to Visual Studio Code, which is different from Visual Studio. See this question for information about the equivalent situation in Visual Studio.