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How can I stop VS Code persistently displaying its windows 32-bit deprecation warning banner?

I am a Visual Studio Code user and I am using it on a 32-bit Windows device. These days, I keep getting the warning message on the top:

This is the last Windows 32-bit supported version of Visual Studio Code. Consider upgrading to the 64-bit build.

I completely understand what it means, but I still don't have any plan of upgrading my Windows version from 32-bit to 64-bit, just to get the newest Visual Studio Code. It's time wasting.

But, sometimes, the error message is just so annoying, because it pops up every time I 'launch' Visual Studio Code.

I want to stop the message from displaying again.

Is there any way to do that?


  • I couldn't find the source code for the exact warning message text you gave, but I did find some similar ones:

    I don't see any obvious way to prevent this from popping up given the linked source code, which doesn't have any local conditionals upon any related settings.

    I mean... I suppose you could try modifying your VS Code installation's workbench.js file, but that itself is a hassle because it's minified JS, and it'd just create another problem, because VS Code will issue a corruption warning upon startup when it detects that its installation files have been modified (though you can mark that warning to not be shown again).
