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Does Eigen assume aliasing?

Matrix multiplication is the only operation in Eigen that assumes aliasing by default.

MatrixXf mat1(2,2); 
mat1 << 1, 2,  4, 7;
MatrixXf mat2 = mat1;
auto result = mat1 * mat2;

Eigen evaluates the product mat1 * mat2 in a temporary matrix which is then used to initialize result after the computation. As result does not appear in the right hand side, we do not need aliasing:

MatrixXf result;
result.noalias() = mat1 * mat2;

Now, the product mat1 * mat2 is directly evaluated into result.

So far, so good. But what happens in this case?

template <typename T1, typename T2>
auto multiplication(const T1& A, const T2& B) // I'm using C++17, decltype not needed
    return A*B;

int main()
    auto result = multiplication(mat1, mat2); // say mat1 and mat2 are the same as above
    // or even this
    mat1 = multiplication(mat1, mat2);
    return 0;

I would say no aliasing occurs as the multiplication(m1,m2) is an rvalue and constructed directly in result thanks to RVO. And I would say the same for the line mat1 = multiplication(mat1, mat2). We could then say that there is a way to multiply mat1 with another matrix and store the result in the same matrix mat1 without using a temporary matrix (so, avoiding aliasing).


Does Eigen assume aliasing here or is my assumption correct?


  • You should also read the Common Pitfall regarding using the auto keyword.

    If you write

    MatrixXf mat1, mat2;
    auto result = mat1 * mat2;


    template <typename T1, typename T2>
    auto multiplication(const T1& A, const T2& B) { return A*B; }

    then the type of auto actually is just something like Product<MatrixXf, MatrixXf> or Product<T1,T2>, i.e., no computation at all happens at that point.


    MatrixXf mat1 = MatrixXf::Random(2,2), mat2 = MatrixXf::Random(2,2);
    auto result = multiplication(mat1, mat2); // no computation happens here
    // this is safe (Eigen assumes aliasing can happen):
    mat1 = result; // equivalent to directly assign mat1 = mat1 * mat2;
    // Pitfall: "result" now refers to a modified `mat1` object!
    // this will give undefined results (you may need bigger matrices to actually see this):
    mat1.noalias() = mat1*mat2; // tell Eigen this does not alias, but actually it does.

    Addendum: In the comments the difference between assignment and initialization has been pointed out. In fact, during initialization Eigen assumes no aliasing happens, e.g., the following directly assigns to result (without temporaries):

    MatrixXf result = mat1 * mat2; // initialization, not assignment!

    Addendum 2: If you wrote (assuming the return type of foo is Object):

    Object A;
    A = foo(A);

    there must be some kind of implicit assignment happening (with C++11 likely a move-assignment, if Object allows that). This is different to

    Object A;
    Object B = foo(A); // RVO possible (depending on foo).