I'm trying to build Qt application with command line rather than QtCreator GUI tools. I'm using Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 by running these commands:
"C:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\5.13.0\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe" ..\qt3dsceneeditor.pro -spec win32-msvc "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
"C:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe" -f ../../build-qt3dsceneeditor-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug/Makefile qmake_all
The build process is all fine until the link
stage which runs into this error:
link /NOLOGO /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /DEBUG /DLL /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /MANIFEST:embed /OUT:debug\editorlib.dll @C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\editorlib.dll.13948.102703.jom
Qt5Quickd.lib(Qt5Quickd.dll) : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'x86'
jom: C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\scripts\editorlib\Makefile.Debug [debug\editorlib.dll] Error 1112
jom: C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\scripts\editorlib\Makefile [debug] Error 2
jom: C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\scripts\Makefile [sub-editorlib-make_first-ordered] Error 2
I have studied the similar errors reported by others, mentioning that I need to change Visual Studio configuration. But In my case, I'm not using VS GUI. How can I change configuration on Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017?
Also I appreciate if somebody can introduce a good guide for building Qt applications with command-line tools rather than QtCreator GUI!
As suggested by @code_fodder, I'm looking at QtCreator logs. QtCreator does compiling/linking without any error:
The error on command-line is:
I also tried using nmake
rather than jom
which runs into the same error:
echo Setting up environment for Qt usage...
set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\5.13.0\msvc2017_64\bin;%PATH%
echo --------------------------------------
mkdir C:\Users\me\repos\build
cd C:\Users\me\repos\build\
qmake.exe -makefile C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\qt3dsceneeditor.pro
nmake /u /f Makefile
On Linux, I don't run into such error. On openSUSE Leap 15.1, this script works just fine:
export PATH=~/Qt5.13.0/5.13.0/gcc_64/bin/:$PATH
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../qt3dsceneeditor.pro -spec linux-icc-64 CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler
make -j4
Problem got resolved by this script:
set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\5.13.0\msvc2017_64\bin;%PATH%
set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin;%PATH%
mkdir C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\scripts\build-deploy\temp
cd C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\scripts\build-deploy\temp
qmake.exe C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\qt3dsceneeditor.pro -spec win32-msvc "CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler"
jom.exe qmake_all
I'm not sure which modification resolved the problem.
Also in debug mode the build is fine:
qmake.exe C:\Users\me\repos\qt3d-editor\qt3dsceneeditor.pro -spec win32-msvc "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
I run the scripts on x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017: