In eXist-db (4.7) I have a long TEI-XML file from which I am creating thousands of unique TEI-XML files. I am using a function like this:
let $list := doc(concat($globalvar:URIdata,"list_collections.xml"))
let $makefile := for $bib in $list//tei:bibl[@type="collection"]
let $newdoc :=
<listBibl xmlns="" type="collection">{$bib}</listBibl>
return xmldb:store($globalvar:URIdata, concat($bib//@xml:id,".xml"),$newdoc)
return $makefile
Everything works fine.
However, I'd like to add a prologue to the top of each new file which points to my custom TEI schema:
<?xml-model href="../dictionaries/tei_thema.rng"
Is there a way to do this within the function above? If not, is there a secondary process I can create to insert this at the top of the new file?
Many thanks in advance.
To construct a new document explicitly use document { }
e.g. in your case
let $newdoc := document { <?xml-model href="../dictionaries/tei_thema.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>, <listBibl xmlns="" type="collection">{$bib}</listBibl> }