I am sorry before if the title is not too descriptive.
My goal is to create report like this (ignore the red line): sample
In the Height (m)
field, I create formula in the Formula Fields to check two values of height.
If IsNull({stored.RevisedHeight}) or {stored.RevisedHeight} = "" then
{stored.Height} + ChrW(13) + {stored.RevisedHeight}
I need to set strikeout style for value {stored.Height}
only in the Else condition.
Thanks in advance.
If IsNull({stored.RevisedHeight}) or {stored.RevisedHeight} = "" then
"<Strike>" + {stored.Height} + "</Strike>" + ChrW(13) + {stored.RevisedHeight}
Right-click the formula object on the report canvas, Format Field... select Paragraph tab, set Text Interpretation option to 'HTML Text'.