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Placing a Transparent PNG onto another Transparent PNG (Bottom Image not showing)

I have two images. I am putting imageA over imageB. However this is causing the bottom image (imageB) colors to not show. Instead the transparent part of imageA is overriding imageB.

$dest = imagecreatefrompng(6.png'); (96x96)
$src = imagecreatefrompng(5.png');

imagealphablending($dest, true);
imagesavealpha($dest, true);

imagealphablending($src, true);
imagesavealpha($src, true);

imagecopy($dest, $src, 10, 30, 0, 0, 40, 40);

$imgswap = ob_get_clean();
imagedestroy($dest); //img here (I don't have enough reputation to direct link)

As you can see the transparent (white pixels in this example for clarity) are going over marios face. Any ideas?


  • From docs ( "Transparency is copied only with imagecopymerge() and true color images, not with imagecopy() or pallete images."

    Try: even though it says in the comments it doesn't support aplha.