The question is pretty straight-forward. I have no idea what IN.worldRefl
stands for, I've seen some tutorials using it with cubemaps but I still have no clue.
Unity's description for it is very poor:
float3 worldRefl - contains world reflection vector if surface shader does not write to o.Normal.
I've been researching for a few days now and I have a hunch about what IN.worldRefl
First I saw this image (found here):
So I guess that IN.worldRefl
is the reflection of the camera ray in the surface of a polygon of an object, as shown in the image.
When one set, for example, the emission of the SurfaceOutput
to be the texture of a cubemap in the position corresponding to IN.worldRefl
, that is
samplerCUBE _Cube;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Emission = texCUBE (_Cube, IN.worldRefl).rgb;
it means that, setting the object inside a cube with the given cubemap, the reflected ray of the camera in the object polygon' surface will cross the cube in a point. The color of this point will be emitted by the object in the position where the camera ray touches the object.
I can be totally wrong but this makes sense to me.