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How to include vhdl modules to systemverilog file

I am trying to use two vhdl module in my systemverilog project in vivado. ( which are in the same project )

I have tried using include keyword at the beginning, which gave me no errors, but fails on synthesis , here is the error

[Synth 8-2715] syntax error near -- ["C:/Users/Batuhan/Desktop/fpga_VHDL_uart/Sonar_FPGA-master/src/MCU_UART_RX.vhd":1]

The line it shows is the first line of vhdl file which is just


So I was wondering what is the proper way to include other modules


  • Simply instantiate them. Based on your error message I assume that you want to add MCU_UART_RX module to your testbench. So if you have a module Foo

    entity Foo is
        Port ( Clk     : in STD_LOGIC;
               DataIn  : in STD_LOGIC;
               DataOut : out STD_LOGIC
    end Foo;

    you can add this module to your System Verilog testbench by writing

    bit SimulationClock;
    bit SimulationDataIn;
    bit SimulationDataOut;
    Foo DUT(

    Finally it look like this
    enter image description here