I am new to the game of web-service clients, and have generated code using the wsdl2java maven dependency.
I am packaging this project as a .war file.
My issue is that I do not know how to make the autogenerated client reach an endpoint across domains, and I also do not know how to set the client's wsdlLocation properly.
Starting with the latter:
Inside of the autogenerated service class, I found a static URL WSDL_LOCATION
attribute, as well as 'parameters?' to a WebServiceClient annotation.
@WebServiceClient(name = "my_service",
wsdlLocation = "file:/c:/tmp/my_service.wsdl",
targetNamespace = "someAutoGenTargetNS/wsdl")
public class my_service_Service extends Service {
public final static URL WSDL_LOCATION;
public final static QName SERVICE = new QName("someAutoGenTargetNS/wsdl", "my_service");
public final static QName my_service = new QName("http://someAtuoGenTargetNS/wsdl", "my_service");
static {
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL("file:/c:/tmp/my_service.wsdl");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
"Can not initialize the default wsdl from {0}", "file:/c:/tmp/my_service.wsdl");
Currently, the WSDL_LOCATION url is always set to null, as it can not find the filepath specified (which is expected). I have the wsdl and xsd stored in the resources folder, but do not know how to specify the path to reach that. I have tried
new URL("file:/resources/my_service.wsdl")
new URL("file:/src/main/java/resources/my_service.wsdl")
new URL("classpath:my_service.wsdl")
and quite a few others. What is the correct way to do this, and if it requires an xml-catalog, where can I find documentation about where to put the catalog.xml file.
And now the former: I believe my implementation to change the endpoint to the location I want is correct, and it is the wsdlLocation issue that is giving me a headache. Here is my implementation to change the endpoints. If this does not look right, simply point me in the direction of what to use, no need for a full implementation.
private static final QName SERVICE_NAME = new QName(""someAutoGenTargetNS/wsdl"", "my_service");
private URL wsdlURL = my_service_Service.WSDL_LOCATION;
my_service_Service ss;
my_service port;
public my_service_client()
//Redacted code for trusting all SSL Certs and hostnameVerifiers as it is not needed for the scope of this question
this.ss = new my_service_Service(this.wsdlURL,SERVICE_NAME);
this.port = ss.getMy_Service();
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) this.port;
Map<String,Object> clientRequestContext = bp.getRequestContext();
clientRequestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "https://New_Endpoint_IP");
//Basic auth header credentials
Resources I attempted to understand prior to asking this question:
Conclusively, I am coming to the realization I would much rather work with HTTP than SOAP, but legacy systems require legacy interaction.
Error's received that lead me to believe this is a wsdlURL issue:
javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Internal Error (from client)
org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Internal Error (from client)
Figured out the issue (4 days of tracking the problem later, and i can solve it shortly after asking the question here...)
This is indeed a valid way of setting the endpoint URL. That answers that question.
I adopted the classLoader.getResource
approach from this reference to set the wsdlLocation
My new code became:
@WebServiceClient(name = "my_service",
wsdlLocation = "classpath:my_service.wsdl",
targetNamespace = "someAutoGenTargetNS/wsdl")
public class my_service_Service extends Service {
public final static URL WSDL_LOCATION;
public final static QName SERVICE = new QName("someAutoGenTargetNS/wsdl", "my_service");
public final static QName my_service = new QName("http://someAtuoGenTargetNS/wsdl", "my_service");
static {
URL url = null;
url = my_service.class.getClassLoader().getResource("my_service.wsdl");
Lastly I realized that the most basic web-service call I was trying to utilize was incorrectly setting the request body. I had set the request_body to null, in stead of instantiation a new instance of the request class that was autogenerated. This is what was throwing these two errors, but I am sure fixing the above helped lead me to the solution by enforcing my understanding of how these pieces work together.