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Data not sending to server on abp.ajax request

I am using ASP.NET Boilerplate template. I am having problems getting the server to receive the data I am sending from an abp.ajax post request (code shown below).

The console is logging the correct data (as shown in screenshot 1) but server is not returning the correct data. When I debug, the data of id 1000 is appearing as 0 on server even though console logs 1000 and that's the object sent.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 1 - Showing console log

Screenshot 2: enter image description here

The Jquery:

$(document).on('click', '.default-customer-selection', function (e) {

        var info = {
            toCustomerId: 1000 //Just trying to keep this simple for now


            url: abp.appPath + 'Portal/Catalog/SwitchCustomer',
            data: JSON.stringify(info),
            success: function (data) {
              console.log('Data Returned: ' + data.personId);

Model/DTO Input for Switch Customer:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace MySolution.Catalog.Dtos
    public class SwitchCustomerInput
        public long ToCustomerId { get; set; }

My Controller Function:

public class CatalogController : MySolutionControllerBase
    public JsonResult SwitchCustomer(SwitchCustomerInput input)
        return Json(new { PersonId = input.ToCustomerId });

I am following the guide and other pre-built examples I see in the project that are working properly in the solution already:

Am I missing a step? Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • abp.ajax gets options as an object. You can pass any parameter that is valid in jQuery's $.ajax method. There are some defaults here: dataType is 'json', type is 'POST' and contentType is 'application/json' (So, you call JSON.stringify to convert javascript object to JSON string before sending to the server).

    You need to add [FromBody] attribute to the parameter of the action like below :

    public JsonResult SwitchCustomer([FromBody]SwitchCustomerInput input)
          return Json(new { PersonId = input.ToCustomerId });