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'Could not load type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.MvcJsonOptions' from assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Json, Version=

I'm using netstandard2.1 library in my netcoreapp3.0 web application. When adding my service in Startup, I'm getting the below error:

'Could not load type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.MvcJsonOptions' from assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Json, Version=

I'm also using some features from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc 2.2.0 package in my class library.

Here is my library .csproj,

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc" Version="2.2.0" />


Here is my ServiceExtensions class from my library,

public static class ServiceExtensions
    public static IMvcBuilder AddMyLibrary(this IMvcBuilder builder)
        builder.Services.TryAddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
        builder.AddJsonOptions(options =>
            options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver();

        return builder;

Here is my ConfigureLibraryOptions class,

public class ConfigureLibraryOptions : IConfigureOptions<MvcOptions>
    public void Configure(MvcOptions options)
        options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new CustomBinderProvider());

Here is the ConfigureServices from Startup,


Please help on why I'm getting this error and assist on how to solve this?


  • The reason why you're getting the error is because MvcJsonOptions was removed in .NET Core 3.0; you can read more about the breaking changes here.