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Blazor server on ASP.NET Core MVC getting error 500 when loading blazor.server.js [.NET8]

I'm testing this Blazor server on our existing ASP.NET Core MVC project using the latest .NET 8.

When running, this error always occurs:

The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches: Blazor static files

enter image description here

I followed the tutorial at Microsoft:



When removing AddInteractiveServerRenderMode() in MapRazorComponents, the blazor.js file is loading but onclick trigger event is not working


  • In Net7 and below you use app.MapBlazorHub() to configure the Blazor Server HTTP request pipeline.

    In Net8 [with it's render modes] .AddInteractiveServerRenderMode() configures the HTTP request pipeline to support the specific render mode.

    You can't do both.

    Note: .AddInteractiveServerComponents() configures the necessary services for the specific render mode.