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Combining Multiple String Commands Into One Line

I'm using PowerShell and running a tool to extract Lenovo hardware RAID controller info to identify the controller number for use later on in another command line (this is part of a SCCM Server Build Task Sequence). The tool outputs a lot of data and I'm trying to isolate just what I need from the output.

I've been able to isolate what I need, but I'm thinking there has to be a more efficient way so looking for optimizations. I'm still learning when it comes to working with strings.

The line output from the tool that I'm looking for looks like this:

0 0   0   252:0    17  DRIVE Onln  N  557.861 GB dsbl N  N   dflt -

I'm trying to get the 3 characters to the left of the :0 (the 252 but on other models this could be 65 or some other 2 or 3 digit number)

My existing code is:

$ControllerInfo = cmd /c '<path>\storcli64.exe /c0 show'

$forEach ($line in $ControllerInfo) {
    if ($line -like '*:0 *') {
        $ControllerNum = $line.split(':')[0]  # Get everything left of :
        $ControllerNum = $ControllerNum.Substring($ControllerNum.Length -3)  # Get last 3 chars of string
        $ControllerNum = $ControllerNum.Replace(' ', '')  # Remove blanks
        Write-Host $ControllerNum
        break  #stop looping through output

The above works but I'm wondering if there's a way to combine the three lines that start with $ControllerNum = so I can have just have a single $ControllerNum = (commands) line to set the variable instead of doing it in 3 lines. Basically want to combine the Split, Substring and Replace commands into a single line.



  • Here's another option:

    $ControllerNum = ([regex]'(\d{2,3}):0').Match($line).Groups[1].Value

    Used on your sample 0 0 0 252:0 17 DRIVE Onln N 557.861 GB dsbl N N dflt -

    the result in $ControllerNum wil be 252