I'm trying to add a subgroup to my report, I have 5 columns: 1. customer code 2. customer name 3. transaction type 4. transaction description 5. transaction amount
Transaction type must be a subgroup, this value comes from the database, usually it's type A or B, sometimes it has type C.
The first group it's the customer code, it will look like a header, then the transaction type will form 2 or 3 columns, bellow the transaction description with the transaction amount.
Customer Code: C001
Transaction Type
Description Amount Description Amount
Purchase A1 $10 Purchase B1 $5
Purchase A2 $15 Purchase B2 $7
Purchase B3 $9
Purchase B4 $11
I have tried adding Groups but the information goes downwards.
Customer Code: C001
Transaction Type: A
Description: Purchase A1
Amount: $10
Description: Purchase A2
Amount: $15
Transaction Type: B
Description: Purchase B1
Amount: $5
Description: Purchase B2
Amount: $7
Description: Purchase B2
Amount: $9
Description: Purchase B2
Amount: $11
Try this (maybe some adjustments will be needed):
You said that the transaction type can be "C", but you didn't said what is supposed to happen in this case. Would it be another column? But I think you can figure out how to deal with it.