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How to display message in PHP using certain string in the URL?

I have WHMCS setup, and i am trying to make a message bubble that would show when someone access it with the specific link.

Like when someone access this link, they will see normal page -

But if someone access

They will get a message.

I have already setup the message, and it is showing on the default link. But i do not know how to set it up on the 2nd link only? I am using WHMCS.

Can anyone guide me?

Code for message bubble.

<div class="alert alert-danger">
<strong>The following errors occurred:</strong>
<li>Please enter your address and click on save to proceed. Once Saved, then only you will be able to access the client area.</li>

EDIT: Solution Added

thanks a ton for your help @symlink, your method works on PHP, but for WHMCS/smarty php, it needs other code, a very simple code that too, lol.

{if $smarty.get.status eq incomplete} 
{include file="$template/includes/alert.tpl" type="info" msg="Please fill the form to continue with our services."}


  • If the $GET param exists, add a class to the message div that makes it appear:


        $class = "";
        if(isset($GET["status"]) && $GET["status"] === "incomplete"){
            $class = "show";
    <div class="alert alert-danger <?php echo $class ?>"> 
        <strong>The following errors occurred:</strong> 
            <li>Please enter your address and click on save to proceed. Once Saved, 
            then only you will be able to access the client area.</li> 


        display: none;
        display: block;