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Passing Multiple Vars to PHP Function

I have an issue passing a variable to a PHP function. I'm running a Raspberry Pi webserver with PHP 7.0.33. Everything runs fine on the raspberry. When I upload my pages to my Godaddy server which is running PHP 7.2 I get the dreaded white page of death. I traced it down to the following. This is simplified.

On the raspberry:

This is how I'm sending the variables.

updateCustomer($uniqueid, $name, $title);  

This is how I receive them in the function.

function updateCustomer($uniqueid, $name, $title, $job){

On the raspberry I send 3 vars ($uniqueid, $name, $title). The function is looking for 4 vars ($uniqueid, $name, $title, $job) but ignores the last one ($job) if it doesn't exist.

This will not work on the Godaddy server unless I send 4 vars and receive 4 vars. So for testing I just plugged in $x like this and it works.

function updateCustomer($uniqueid, $name, $title, $x){

So my question...Is this a function difference between PHP 7.033 and the 7.2 that's running on Godaddy? Or is there a setting within the PHP setup that would allow this to work?


  • Yes, there was a change between PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1.

    Previously (PHP <=7.0), a warning would be emitted for invoking user-defined functions with too few arguments. Now (PHP >=7.1), this warning has been promoted to an Error exception. This change only applies to user-defined functions, not internal functions.

    Which is what you're seeing in effect - it was changed from a warning (so it works, no errors - just a message), to an actual error.

    The solution is to simply fix it, by adding a default value to the parameter, thereby making it optional.

    function updateCustomer($uniqueid, $name, $title, $job = null) {
       // ..