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Why "Warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable" shows for more than one usage of common method?

I have a common method in hlsli

/// RendererShaderTypes.hlsli
static inline float4 OverlayColor(float2 texOverlay, float4 videoColor)

      float4 texColor = float4(imageMixTexture[4].Sample(imageMixSampler[4], texOverlay));
      if (texColor.r == keyColor.r &&
          texColor.g == keyColor.g &&
          texColor.b == keyColor.b)
          return videoColor;
      return lerp(texColor, videoColor, transparency);

It's called from more than one hlsl pixel shaders.

#include "RendererShaderTypes.hlsli"
float4 main(PSPosTexOverlay input) : SV_TARGET
    return OverlayColor(input.texOverlay, backColor);

also called to another pixel shader

#include "RendererShaderTypes.hlsli"
float4 main(PSPosVideoTexture input) : SV_TARGET
     // lookup color of video
     float4 mixColor = mul(colorMatrix[0], VideoColor(imageMixSampler[0], imageMixTexture[0], input.texImage));
     mixColor.rgb *= mixColor.a;
     mixColor.a = 1.0f;
     return OverlayColor(input.texOverlay, mixColor);

when compiled shows following warning. Any idea why it's showing?

warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable (OverlayColor)


  • I don't know yet any satisfactory reason but I have solved the issue. Any function that calls a mid-function return statement will show the warning during compilation. I have re-writed one of above like this and the warning went away.

    static inline float4 OverlayColor(int texIndex, float2 texOverlay, float4 videoColor)
        float4 texColor = float4(imageMixTexture[4].Sample(imageMixSampler[4], texOverlay));
        float4 overlayColor;
        if (texColor.r == keyColor.r &&
            texColor.g == keyColor.g &&
            texColor.b == keyColor.b)
            overlayColor = videoColor;
            overlayColor = lerp(texColor, videoColor, transparency);
        return overlayColor;