Is it possible for a bat file to search for folders and files and
if it finds file named as part of a folder name to move that file into that folder.
For example:
│ 161136.pdf
│ 23752.pdf
│ 24334.pd
The name of the files are 4 to 6 characters and the folders are made to contain the files name.
Expected result
│ 161136.pdf
│ 23752.pdf
│ 24334.pdf
I don't see much difference using either PowerShell
## Q:\Test\2019\06\14\SO_56599031.ps1
PushD D:\Test
Get-ChildItem *-* -Directory | ForEach-Object {
Move-Item ("{1}*" -f ($_.Name.split('-')[1])) -Dest $_.Name -WhatIf
or batch to solve the task
:: Q:\Test\2019\06\14\SO_56599031.cmd
@Echo off
Pushd D:\Test
for /F "tokens=1* delims=-" %%A in ('Dir /B /AD *-*') do (
move "%%~B*" "%%A-%%B"