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Gauss-Seidel method in Python3, at the beginning of every cycle why I have to set to zero the array with most recent solutions?

In the following code for the Gauss Seidel method, I enter one given matrix A. The result seems to be correct, but when I comment the vector x1 at the beginning of the while, I obtain an unwanted result:

For example, before the assignment x0=x1, when k=1, x0 is equal to x1; instead x0 when k=1, would be equal to x1 when k=0.

Consequently, the norm(x1-x0) is always 0, after the first while. I don't know why it happens.

This is the code, you can see the wanted and unwanted output below:

   def GaussSeidel(A,b):
       # dimension of the non-singular matrix
       n = len(A)

       # def. max iteration and criterions
       Kmax = 100;
       tol  = 1.0e-4;
       btol = la.norm(b)*tol

       x0   = np.zeros(n)
       k    = 0 ;
       stop = False
       x1   = np.empty(n)

       while not(stop) and k < Kmax:
           print ("begin while with k =", k)
           x1 = np.zeros(n)
           for i in range(n):          # rows of A
               x1[i] = ( b[i] -[i,0:i], x1[0:i]) -[i,i+1:n], x0[i+1:n]) ) / A[i,i]
               print("x1 =", x1)

           r    = b -,x1)
           stop = (la.norm(r) < btol) and (la.norm(x1-x0) < tol)
           print("end of for i \n")
           print("x0 =", x0)
           print("btol = %e \t; la.norm(r) = %e \t; tol = %e \t; la.norm(x1-x0) = %e; stop = %s " % (btol, la.norm(r), tol, la.norm(x1-x0), stop))
           x0   = x1
           print("x0 =", x0, end='\n')
           print("end of current while \n\n")
           k    = k + 1

       if not(stop): # or if k >= Kmax
           print('Not converges in %d iterations' % Kmax)

       return x1, k

   import numpy        as np
   import numpy.linalg as la
   import time

   A = np.array( [
          [  3, -0.1, -0.2],
          [0.1,    7, -0.3],
          [0.3, -0.2,   10]
       ], dtype='f')

   b = np.array( [7.85, -19.3, 71.4] )

   xsol = la.solve(A,b)

   start    = time.time()
   x, k     = GaussSeidel(A,b)
   ending   = time.time()
   duration = ending-start
   err      = la.norm(xsol-x)
   print('Iter.=%d  duration=%f  err=%e' % (k,duration,err))

Wanted output: - As you can see x0 contains the x1 of of the previous while iteration

begin while with k = 0
x1 = [2.61666667 0.         0.        ]
x1 = [ 2.61666667 -2.79452381  0.        ]
x1 = [ 2.61666667 -2.79452381  7.00560952]
end of for i 

x0 = [0. 0. 0.]
la.norm(r) = 2.382271e+00   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 7.983412e+00; stop = False 
x0 = [ 2.61666667 -2.79452381  7.00560952]
end of current while 

begin while with k = 1
x1 = [2.99055651 0.         0.        ]
x1 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  0.        ]
x1 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00029081]
end of for i 

x0 = [ 2.61666667 -2.79452381  7.00560952]
la.norm(r) = 2.847092e-02   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 4.762220e-01; stop = False 
x0 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00029081]
end of current while 

begin while with k = 2
x1 = [3.0000319 0.        0.       ]
x1 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  0.        ]
x1 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  6.99999928]
end of for i 

x0 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00029081]
la.norm(r) = 1.288604e-04   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 9.486833e-03; stop = False 
x0 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  6.99999928]
end of current while 

begin while with k = 3
x1 = [3.00000036 0.         0.        ]
x1 = [ 3.00000036 -2.50000002  0.        ]
x1 = [ 3.00000036 -2.50000002  6.99999998]
end of for i 

x0 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  6.99999928]
la.norm(r) = 1.084102e-06   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 3.377360e-05; stop = True 
x0 = [ 3.00000036 -2.50000002  6.99999998]
end of current while 

Iter.=4  duration=0.234001  err=3.544580e-07

Unwanted output if I comment x1 = np.zeros(n) at the beginning of while :

begin while with k = 0
x1 = [2.61666667e+000 1.94626056e+227 2.04746603e+161]
x1 = [ 2.61666667e+000 -2.79452381e+000  2.04746603e+161]
x1 = [ 2.61666667 -2.79452381  7.00560952]
end of for i 

x0 = [0. 0. 0.]
la.norm(r) = 2.382271e+00   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 7.983412e+00; stop = False 
x0 = [ 2.61666667 -2.79452381  7.00560952]
end of current while 

begin while with k = 1
x1 = [ 2.99055651 -2.79452381  7.00560952]
x1 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00560952]
x1 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00029081]
end of for i 

x0 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00029081]
la.norm(r) = 2.847092e-02   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 0.000000e+00; stop = False 
x0 = [ 2.99055651 -2.49962467  7.00029081]
end of current while 

begin while with k = 2
x1 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49962467  7.00029081]
x1 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  7.00029081]
x1 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  6.99999928]
end of for i 

x0 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  6.99999928]
la.norm(r) = 1.288604e-04   ; la.norm(x1-x0) = 0.000000e+00; stop = True 
x0 = [ 3.0000319  -2.49998798  6.99999928]
end of current while 

Iter.=3  duration=0.156000  err=3.409068e-05

Even if I don't assing zeros to x1 in each cycle, the solution are computed correctly. Can you help me?

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  • I am not entirely sure what are you trying to achieve and why do you want to AVOID zeroing out x1 if you care about what is being printed.

    However, I think I see the source of confusion. Notice, that in the following piece of code:

    x1 = np.zeros(n)
        for i in range(n):          # rows of A
             x1[i] = ( b[i] -[i,0:i], x1[0:i]) -[i,i+1:n], x0[i+1:n]) ) / A[i,i]
             print("x1 =", x1)

    the print expression is inside the for-loop, while the entries of x1 are updated one by one. So, if you don't zero out x1 before the for-loop:

    • at the first while iteration, x1 entries contain garbage, so the first print output will have a correct entry of x1[0] and garbage for x1[1:].
    • at the other while iterations x1 entries would contain previous (not yet overwritten) values.

    So, if you want to see the "progress inside" without confusion on data that will be overwritten, you should zero it out. Otherwise, with this particular algorithm implementation it is safe to leave it out if you don't care about the output.