I have 2 accounts in ms outlook ('[email protected]' - default profile ,'[email protected]') and i'm trying to sent a message by python using the non-default account. Here is my code:
Import win32com.client
app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Outlook.application')
mess = app.CreateItem(0)
mess.to = '[email protected]'
mess.subject = 'hi'
mess.SendUsingAccount = '[email protected]'
And outlook sent from account '[email protected]', not from '[email protected]'. How to change an account?
The MailItem.SendUsingAccount property allows setting an Account object that represents the account under which the MailItem
is to be sent.
import win32com.client
o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
oacctouse = None
for oacc in o.Session.Accounts:
if oacc.SmtpAddress == "[email protected]":
oacctouse = oacc
Msg = o.CreateItem(0)
if oacctouse:
Msg._oleobj_.Invoke(*(64209, 0, 8, 0, oacctouse)) # Msg.SendUsingAccount = oacctouse
if to:
Msg.To = ";".join(to)
if cc:
Msg.CC = ";".join(cc)
if bcc:
Msg.BCC = ";".join(bcc)
Msg.HTMLBody = ""