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Python 3 Boto 3, AWS S3: Get object URL

I need to retrieve an public object URL directly after uploading a file, this to be able to store it in a database. This is my upload code:

   s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
   s3bucket.upload_file(filepath, objectname, ExtraArgs={'StorageClass': 'STANDARD_IA'})

I am not looking for a presigned URL, just the URL that always will be publicly accessable over https.

Any help appreciated.


  • There's no simple way but you can construct the URL from the region where the bucket is located (get_bucket_location), the bucket name and the storage key:

    bucket_name = "my-aws-bucket"
    key = "upload-file"
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
    bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)
    bucket.upload_file("upload.txt", key)
    location = boto3.client('s3').get_bucket_location(Bucket=bucket_name)['LocationConstraint']
    url = "" % (location, bucket_name, key)