I am trying to integrate Hubot with Slack and followed the steps as mentioned here, however I am not getting any connectivity message. There is no error as well. What could have caused this behavior?
PS C:\Users\myuserid\Projects\mybots> bin/hubot -a slack
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of coffee-script@^1.12.6 but none was installed.
up to date in 2.764s
warn: SlackDataStore is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See project documentation for a migration guide.
warn: SlackDataStore is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See project documentation for a migration guide.
Hey I think you missed API token key in the run command. The command should be.
HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ./bin/hubot --adapter slack
If it went well, you would see a message like this.
INFO Connected to Slack RTM
You may follow this well explained tutorial to integrate Hubot with Slack.