Considering a string with 12 characters, I want to split the string in three groups of four characters and find a character in group 1 and 3.
For example:
AAAABBBBAAAA -> B not found (they are in group 2)
ABAABBBBAAAA -> B found in the first 4 characters (group 1)
AAAABBBBABAA -> B found in the last 4 characteres (group 2)
I only managed to create group 1 and 3, but I don't know how to find the 'B' on them:
If quantifiers with an infinite width or a predetermined range are are supported in a lookbehind like in for example .NET, Python PyPi regex module or Java you might also use:
Assert what is on the left is start of string, 0-3 times A or BB
Match literally|
Match literally(?=[AB]{0,3}$)
Assert what is on the right is 0-3 times A or B, assert end of string